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How is licorice made?

How is licorice made?

It is the favorite candy in the Netherlands, licorice. You have them in all shapes, sizes and colors, but how do they actually make licorice?


Licorice is made from the liquorice root shrub. It grows in sunny countries such as Spain, Italy and Turkey. A kind of pulp is made from the roots and poured into blocks, this is called 'block licorice'. Pure block licorice is not tasty, so the hard blocks are softened again in the Dutch factory. The computer then knows exactly which ingredients need to be added to make mint liquorice or griots, for example. In the factory, different mixtures are made with, for example, sugar, salmiak or honey. Then the different mixtures are poured into the correct mould. After this they still have to dry and through a kind of tunnel for a glossy layer.

Packed and transported

Finally, the liquorice is of course put in a bag or a pack and can go to the store. To check whether the licorice is good, they are often inspected in the factory. This does not mean that there are men and women who eat licorice all day long, because most checks do not require tasting. This is a good thing, because eating sweets all day is super bad for your teeth and your health. Eat some sweets a maximum of 1 time per day, for example in the afternoon. If you opt for licorice, do not eat more than 5. Sugar-free licorice is not very good for children, because instead of sugar it contains another substance that is not healthy if you eat too much of it.

Have you already felt like dropping?

Click here for our licorice range. Also sugar free.
