Minimum order amount € 20,-

Terms and Conditions

Candy Mix & Match
Chamber of Commerce 80493106
VAT NL003448637B12
T +31 (0) 6 2919 1152
WhatsApp +31 (0) 6 2919 1152


Article 1. General
  1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers and agreements, as well as all products and services supplied by Candy Mix & Match, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.

  1. The applicability of any general specific terms and conditions or stipulations of the Buyer is expressly rejected by Candy Mix & Match.

  1. All prices are indicated in Euros (€), including turnover tax (VAT) and other levies imposed by the government.

  1. Candy Mix & Match is not liable, either by law or by agreement, for so-called consequential damage that the customer or a third party may suffer in connection with (the use of) the products. This also includes loss of profit, trading loss, loss of data and immaterial damage.

  1. Deviations from and additions to any provision in an agreement and/or the General Terms and Conditions only apply if they have been recorded in writing by Candy Mix & Match and only relate to the relevant Agreement.

Article 2. Quotations
  1. Candy Mix & Match is only bound by a quotation if the unaltered acceptance thereof is confirmed in writing by the customer within 8 days, unless stated otherwise on the quotation/agreement.


Article 3. Agreement
  1. The customer is bound by the agreement in all cases. Even if this is agreed orally or by e-mail.

  1. Candy Mix & Match reserves the right not to accept orders or assignments without giving any reason, or only under different conditions. If the order can only be performed under different conditions, the Customer has the right to cancel the order free of charge.

  1. If and insofar as a proper execution of the agreement requires or allows this, Candy Mix & Match has the right to have certain activities performed by third parties.

Article 4. Delivery time
  1. All (delivery) periods stated by Candy Mix & Match are approximate and have been determined on the basis of the data and circumstances that were known to Candy Mix & Match when the agreement was entered into. Specified delivery terms will never be regarded as a strict deadline. If a change in data and/or circumstances, regardless of its foreseeability, results in a delay, the delivery date will be delayed accordingly. In the event of late delivery, Candy Mix & Match must be given written notice of default, whereby it must still be offered a reasonable term for delivery.

  1. Exceeding the delivery terms specified by Candy Mix & Match, for whatever reason, never entitles the customer to compensation or non-fulfilment of any obligation resting on him under the relevant agreement or a related agreement.

  1. In the event that Candy Mix & Match dissolves the order in whole or in part, it is entitled to take back the unpaid part of the delivered goods. Dissolution and/or taking back does not affect Candy Mix & Match's right to compensation. If purchased by him, the goods will be stored at his disposal at his expense and risk.

  1. If the maximum delivery time of 30 working days is exceeded, you have the right to dissolve the agreement free of charge. To do this, you must send an e-mail or letter to Candy Mix & Match. In that case, any payments will be returned to you within 30 business days of notification.


Article 5. Amendment of the Agreement
  1. If during the execution of the agreement it appears that for proper execution it is necessary to change or supplement the work to be performed, the parties will adjust the agreement accordingly in a timely manner and in mutual consultation.

  1. If the parties agree that the agreement will be amended or supplemented, the time of completion of the performance may be affected by this. Candy Mix & Match will inform the Customer of this as soon as possible.

  1. If the change or addition to the agreement has financial and/or qualitative consequences, Candy Mix & Match will inform the Customer about this in advance. If a fixed fee has been agreed upon, Candy Mix & Match will indicate to what extent the change or addition to the agreement will result in the fee being exceeded.

  1. Contrary to paragraph 3, Candy Mix & Match will not be able to charge additional costs if the change or addition is the result of circumstances that can be attributed to Candy Mix & Match.


Article 6. Termination/Dissolution
  1. In the event of premature termination, Candy Mix & Match, in addition to reimbursement of the costs incurred, is entitled to a reasonably determined part of the total compensation, taking into account the work already performed and the benefit that the Customer derives from it.

  1. Candy Mix & Match's claims against the Customer are immediately due and payable in the following cases: - if, after concluding the agreement, Candy Mix & Match becomes aware of circumstances that give Candy Mix & Match good grounds to fear that the Customer will not fulfill its will fulfill obligations; - if Candy Mix & Match has asked the Customer to provide security for compliance when concluding the agreement and this security is not forthcoming or is insufficient.

  1. In the cases referred to above, Candy Mix & Match is authorized to terminate the further performance of the agreement, without prejudice to Candy Mix & Match's right to claim compensation.

  1. Candy Mix & Match has the right to cancel orders in whole or in part without giving any reason.


 Article 7. Returns
  1. You may return non-food (not food) products within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt, provided they are paid for, undamaged and unopened.

  2. “Composite products” food (ie food) + non-food , such as “ mix & match” products, cannot be routined. For safety reasons, returning food is not possible.

  3. You pay the costs for returning the order and/or products yourself.

  4. Do you want to return a product or order? Please read the information below carefully:

  • You must return the product to us within 14 calendar days of receipt. You must inform us in writing in advance that you wish to return part or all of your order. (By e-mail or via our contact form on our website

Always keep the track and trace code of the return shipment.

  • The products must be unopened in order to return the item. If products are returned opened, we cannot reimburse them.

  • The return costs are for your own account. These are not reimbursed by Candy Mix & Match.

  • When you return part of your order, you will only be reimbursed for the products that you return.

  • When you return the entire order, you will also be reimbursed for the shipping costs for the forwarding. (So ​​not the return costs)

  • In case of a complaint about a product, damage or incorrect delivery, you should always keep the product. We may ask to return the product.


Article 8. Not delivered/damaged products
  1. Upon arrival of the order, you must check the order for the correct products and for the correct quantity. In the case of non-delivered products, you must report this within 48 hours.

    This can be done via e-mail or our contact form on our website

  1. If a product is damaged to such an extent that it can no longer be used, you can contact us so that we can offer a suitable solution. Let us know within 48 hours of receipt.

  1. In case of a complaint about a damaged product, you should always keep the product. We can ask for photos or to return the product.


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